Hidden in the game’s menus are several settings that, when tweaked, can help you improve your FPS in Escape from Tarkov quite dramatically. When a gunfight going south can cause you to lose everything at the blink of the eye, having a high, stable frame rate is extremely important. Improve your FPS in Escape from Tarkov The tips below will help you improve your FPS in Escape from Tarkov, so no more excuses for losing those gunfights!
Follow our tips for the best settings for Escape from Tarkov to improve your performance and with it, your gameplay too. If you want to stand a chance to outplaying your opponents and escaping with loot, you should definitely learn how to improve your FPS in Escape from Tarkov. We don’t just mean of your shooting prowess and awareness, it’ll also work your PC pretty hard too. Escape from Tarkov is a pretty demanding FPS.